Committed To Sustainability

The DPP Committed to Sustainability programme is an industry leading scheme celebrating and promoting good practice in environmental sustainability, across the media industry.

In the face of growing concern about climate change, many in the media industry are becoming aware of the need to play their part in improving the sustainability of our industry. That’s why we developed the DPP Committed to Sustainability programme. The programme provides a practical tool to assess your organisation's progress against key environmental measures, and a common framework for procurement teams to assess the environmental impact of their suppliers. Most of all, it enables you to better understand your organisation's current status, and demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement.

How do I take part?

You can take part in the programme by completing the online Committed to Sustainability checklist. Once you successfully complete the checklist, you'll be given your sustainability score, and you'll be awarded the DPP Committed to Sustainability mark. You can get started below, or contact our Business Development Manager to find out more before you begin.


The fees for a new submission or a renewal will be as follows:

If your annual turnover is less than £2m - £250 + VAT

Otherwise - £500 + VAT

*Invoiced on receipt of a submission*

This fee covers reviewing and processing your submission or renewal.

Take part now

Start your company's Committed to Sustainability assessment now using our online tool.

Begin the assessment

Guidance Information

In order to help you, we’ve produced some guidance notes that explain the checklist controls in more detail. We recommend taking a look through these guidelines before applying. You can also download the programme terms and conditions, and the usage guidelines for the Committed to Sustainability mark.

Committed To Sustainability Guidance Notes

Information on how to collect and interpret the information needed for your Committed to Sustainability response.

Committed to Sustainability Programme T&Cs

These T&Cs are to be used by companies participating in the DPP Committed to Sustainabilty Programme when completing the Checklist.

Committed to Sustainability Mark Usage Guidelines

This Mark Usage Guideline provides guidance and sets out the conditions for using the Committed to Sustainability Mark(s).

Our partners

The DPP Committed to Sustainability programme is supported by:

Red Bee Media is the leading global media services partner for innovation and growth. We e... read more.

What about us?

To make DPP events like the Leaders' Briefing carbon negative, we offset our emissions by planting trees. In partnership with Mossy Earth, we've started our own DPP forest!

Watch the video to find out more.

Get involved

Contact our Head of Business Development to find out more, or to take part in the programme.

If your company is not a DPP member, you can learn more about the benefits of membership, or contact Michelle to discuss joining.

Abdul Hakim

Head of Business Development

If your company is not a DPP member, you can learn more about the benefits of membership, or contact Michelle to discuss joining.



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