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Supply Chain Today: Key insights from the Media Supply Festival 2024


This report condenses 54 insights that came from the Media Supply Festival 2024's 18 sessions.


Supply Chain Today: The Key Insights


This report summarises 45 insights that came from the Media Supply Festival 2023's 15 sessions.


Next Gen Supply Chain


Will companies with next generation supply chains have a competitive advantage? We explore what major content companies adopting software defined, cloud led supply chains could mean for the media industry.


Home Truths No.9 Building the New Supply Chain


How does supply chain thinking apply to media companies? What does the new media supply chain look like? And what are the key principles?

MMP: Rights Management


Understand the challenges and opportunities of effective rights management.


The Future of Localisation


The DPP has spoken with more than 50 experts from content creators, streaming platforms, localisation service providers, and technology vendors, to find out whether we're on the brink of an automated localisation revolution.


The DPP Media Supply Manifesto 2022


Find out about the key themes, challenges, and changes that unfolded at the DPP Media Supply Festival 2022.


DPP008 Business to Business Metadata Exchange Appendix A

Appendix A of DPP008 - AS-11 UK DPP HD Mapping Into MDDF Schemas.

DPP008 Business to Business Metadata Exchange

This recommendation aims to reduce friction in the media supply chain at the points of content interchange, specifically around the exchange of metadata.

Tech Leaders' Briefing 2020


Actionable business intelligence from 30 major media companies to help you grow your business in 2021.


Commercial Relationships


Find out why forward looking customers and suppliers are all prepared to exchange long-term arrangements for less secure but better adapted commercial models.


Burrito or Bust: Is understanding value now the key to success?


Explore some fundamental questions about the media industry’s ability to align its cost base with the value of what it makes.


Libraries and Archives


Managing Media Inventory, the third report in our Design for Tomorrow series, identifies the key success factors for the design of future facing content collections and repositories.


Content Preparation


Discover the six key success factors for the design of content preparation operations in an unpredictable media market in Building the Agile Media Factory, the second report in our Design for Tomorrow series.


The Cloud for Media


Our 2020 report provides an authoritative guide to migrating media organisations to the cloud, the steps required, and practical advice for success.


Will Covid-19 Change The Way We Work?


In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, the media industry moved to remote working quickly and well. But what happened next? We uncover a rollercoaster of anxiety and uncertainty in this special report.


Supplying the VOD Revolution


An extensive piece of research into the global supply of content to VOD platforms, identifying pain points and exploring formats and standards. What practical steps can be taken to reduce complexity and enhance efficiency in this vital artery of our industry?

Content Creation


Essential reading for production companies and their suppliers. Do you have the resilience and ingenuity to succeed in an uncertain future?


Home Truths No.19 - 2020 Predictions


How is globalisation creating opportunities, and challenges, in the media supply chain? Plus more 2020 predictions from DPP members


Tech Leaders' Briefing 2019


Grow your business with actionable business intelligence from 32 major customers - broadcasters, content platforms and social and technology giants


Business Benefits of IMF for Advertising


How will component-based workflows bring efficiencies across the advertising supply chain and unlock new commercial opportunities using IMF?


Home Truths No.15 AI For Real


How is AI being applied in the media and where does future potential lie? Where is the real business value and what are the opportunities?

Home Truths No.11 The DPP 2018 Predictions


In 2017 we drew up the first ever DPP predictions. It's time to find out what we got right, what we got wrong, and the next big things for 2018


Meet the UK Broadcasters 2017


We explore the three current key priorities of each of the CTOs from the major UK broadcasters; and their specific messages to the supplier community

Survey Report: Are we fit for Cyber War?


Are you proactive in establishing good security practice? Experts discuss the maturity of security thinking in the media sector

Home Truths No.10 Automation


What happens when the media industry is no longer in control of the future of media? And where will machine learning and AI take the industry next?

Home Truths No.8 - The Need For Speed


How will businesses transform in the next 5 years? And how could the very shape of the industry be disrupted?

Survey Report: The Business Benefits of IP Production


The first ever assessment of where companies can expect to see the greatest ROI from committing to IP-based production

Home Truths No.7 The DPP 2017 Predictions


The first ever DPP 2017 Predictions, drawn up in consultation with subject matter experts from the whole media supply chain



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