Media companies are assessing how changing business models will affect the supply chain

The DPP, the media industry’s business network, has today published Supply Chain Today: Key insights from the Media Supply Festival 2024. At the end of May, the DPP Media Supply Festival returned to New York. The event brought together experts and practitioners from media and technology companies from across the USA and beyond to share ideas and insights about today’s - and tomorrow’s - media supply chain.

From each on-stage conversation, the DPP team noted the key takeaways. And on the second day attendees were asked to vote on which was the most impactful takeaway. The result, outlined in this summary report, is a fascinating blend of what was shared by the speakers and what made the greatest impression on the audience.

The report condenses 54 insights that came from the Festival’s 18 sessions which can be further summarised and grouped into four key themes: Media economicsAgility and efficiencyMedia management, and Artificial Intelligence.

Across the two days, the topics of conversation were varied - from efficiency to EBITDA; localisation to LLMs; metrics to mergers; private equity to provenance. The total effect was a striking shift from earlier iterations of the event.

“The first Media Supply Festival, delivered online in 2021, asked the question: how will modern media supply chains impact media businesses?,” says DPP CEO Rowan de Pomerai, the event lead. “By 2024 the question has been reversed, and the industry now finds itself asking: how will changes in the media business affect the media supply chain?”

Other standout findings that fall underneath the four themes include: 

  • Media economics

    Capex, Opex, and EBITDA are not just buzzwords; understanding basic economics is crucial for both media companies and vendors.


  • Agility and efficiency

    Delivering change in a fast moving business environment requires cross-functional teams connecting technology and operations.


  • Media management

    Media companies are converging and harmonising their supply chains for linear, digital, B2B, B2C, domestic, and international.


  • Artificial intelligence

    With so much content for viewers to explore, AI is reshaping the user experience including content discovery and contextual advertising.

This DPP Media Supply Festival 2024 was enabled by Lead Sponsor SDVI, Supporting Sponsors AteliereBacklightPrime Focus Technologies, and Vubiquity, Programme Sponsor Storj, WiFi Sponsor Venera Technologies, and Refreshments Sponsor Signiant.

Supply Chain Today: Key insights from the Media Supply Festival 2024 can be downloaded by all DPP members here. If you are not a member, and would like to know more about becoming one, please contact


Supply Chain Today: Key insights from the Media Supply Festival 2024

At the end of May, the DPP Media Supply Festival returned to New York. The event brought together experts and practitioners from media and technology companies from across the USA and beyond to share ideas and insights about today’s - and tomorrow’s - media supply chain.


The report condenses 54 insights that came from the Festival’s 18 sessions which can be further summarised and grouped into four key themes: Media economicsAgility and efficiencyMedia management, and Artificial Intelligence.

Enabled by SDVI, Ateliere, Backlight, Prime Focus Technologies and Vubiquity.

SDVI Ateliere Backlight Prime Focus Technologies Vubiquity

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